When I crumble and wash away
Into waters dark and deep,
When the ache burns into my bones
And despair robs me of my sleep,
You wrap your arms
around me, nestle
Your warmth into my skin,
And for a moment
I can breathe;
You are the medicine.
Into waters dark and deep,
When the ache burns into my bones
And despair robs me of my sleep,
You wrap your arms
around me, nestle
Your warmth into my skin,
And for a moment
I can breathe;
You are the medicine.
D A V E x R O S E
e n g a g e m e n t
Photo: The Paperwall Studio
HMUA: Ipaintfaces Make-up Studio
HMUA: Ipaintfaces Make-up Studio
Shot on location at Tarlac City, Philippines.