It is often said that love conquers all. And while it is a very powerful sentence, it is also very easy to take it lightly. I even saw that sentence used for a detergent commercial. But really, what is the real meaning of love conquering all? Interestingly, the Bible through the Apostle Paul talks about “a surpassing way.” Illustrating what he meant, he enumerates that no matter what great things one accomplishes in life, without love, it would all amount to nothing. The same also applies for relationships. Couples can face and actually solve great problems together in life. But without love, one giant problem may come and crumble the relationship. What assures a couple that their relationship will stay strong no matter what? Indeed, it is the surpassing way of love. Mark and Melissa have went through a lot in their road to marriage, but they conquered it all. The heartfelt first dance and their solemn promise to one another almost takes us firsthand through the difficult journey they went through. But seeing them there, making their vows to each other once again shows that love indeed is a surpassing way, and that love can, and does conquer all.
M R K x M L S S
w e d d i n g
Photo: The Paperwall Studio
Coordination: Lorreine Escalona
Venue: The Ipil Gardens, Marikina
Shot on location at Marikina City, Philippines
July Thirty, Two-thousand Sixteen